Economic Equality- pre-requisite for peace and integrity of Manipur


A state integrity cannot be ensured by exclusion policy or weakening of a section of people in economic growth. A state territory cannot be protected by political slogans or breaking our heads on the streets, but by ensuring economic equality among different communities living in that territory. Peaceful co-existence and economic inequality are diametrically opposed to each other. Latter needs to be eradicated to achieve the former. The question of peaceful co-existence cannot come unless our hearts genuinely accept economic equality and our actions follow it. By merely saying peaceful co-existence or economic development of the poorer section of our people without action can never ensure a territorial integrity. The phrases “territorial integrity or peaceful co-existence” itself constitutes a threat to integrity or peaceful co-existence when the shouter himself act against it. Therefore, economic equality between different communities living in Manipur is a pre-requisite of peace, prosperity and integrity of the state.

Ensuring economic equality between Northern India and North East Region, hills and valley, tribe and non-tribe, OBC and general; Thoubal and Keirao; Somdal and Kasom Khullen areas of Ukhrul, for instances, shall result in peaceful co-existence which would give the political stability and economic viability of India, Manipur and Ukhrul. Religious leaders, politicians, thinkers, media houses, bureaucrats, educators and youths should aspire for peace and evolve divergent theories for maintaining peace in Manipur, and economic equality among various ethnic groups living in the state is the best theory for ensuring the same. So, is the case in Indian politics. It’s a universal truth and there is no substitute to it. Since we are closely knitted geographically or as a state, any occurrence of event in one part of Manipur has its immediate impact on the rest; any unhealthy incident adversely affects the state as a whole. Therefore, poverty of hill areas of Manipur constitutes a threat to peace and integrity of the state. It is for this reason economic equality of all areas becomes necessity, not an option anymore because poverty anywhere constitutes a threat to peace everywhere.

Economic inequality breeds exploitation, hatreds, jealousy and so on. It’s a disease, a parasitism because it is all evil. All the major world revolutions e.g. Afro Asian resurgence, French Revolution 1789, India’s Independent Movement, Economic Crises of 1929 which resulted to World War II, are all the results of growing consciousness of economic exploitation. Economic inequality caused tension, war and disintegration in the world. History is a testimony to the fact. Therefore, to Karl Marx, economic inequality is root cause of destruction of peace. Economic enslavement destructs people’s liberty and increases misery.

It is said that only sufferers can break the shackles of dependency. It is for this reason why the hills should stop blaming on valley alone but take sincere initiatives for its own economic development, and the valley being a more advance capital city of Manipur, should extend all possible assistances for the economic regeneration of weaker section of people, particularly people living in the backward hill districts of Manipur in the interest of peace and integrity of the state. We may not be able to continue living together or ensure the integrity of the state by throwing mud on each other or considering of each other as rivals but by accommodating and safeguarding each other’s interests. The new government of Manipur should work on the principle of ‘equal treatment for all”. The rights of all communities must be cared without favoritism. A government has the obligation towards all the constituencies, not only for the people of its choice. Even within the valley areas, there is, no doubt, a wide gap between what ought to be, and what it is. Similarly, within Ukhrul district itself, the western side is much more developed than the southern and eastern areas. If the fragmentation is to be prevented, this has to be corrected, only then, territorial integrity or peaceful co-existence shall not be far to seek. Economic development should be inclusive, not exclusive. Peaceful co-existence or maintaining of integrity are high sounding but of no practical utility in the absence of economic equality. Therefore, economic equality must be considered in the interest of peace, prosperity and territorial integrity of our nation, state or district.

Aaron Keishing,
Sub-Editor, The Aja Press,
Spring Home, Nagaram D-1,
Imphal, Manipur-9612686705
Email: aaronkeishing(at)yahoo(dot)com


  1. Economic Equality – have you ever witness this kind of perfect equilibrium state in the history of mankind. the author must be dreaming. Somewhere in the past Soviet and China, tried it, and change it later on, seeing its failure. we mankind can’t have perfect economic equality. and due to this human feeling like greed, ambition, desire, etc, economic equility is very hard achieve. Thus, how can we have Economic Equality amoung us, when everyone tries to do better than other or to win. best way of achieving economic equility is to bring up the economic activety, by better movement of goods & services inside the state. the gap of economic inequility, can be narrow, if people start working hard to boost the production level. Whereas, in the opposite, it is better to loot from people working, gain and risk is favourable in doing it, than working hard. when whole world are looking to integrate the economy (europe), in Manipur, everybody is working to disintegrate. than to top it all, where is the private investment happening in the state, And if there is chance for any private investment, some parties will ban its entry, (railway projects, oil exploration, etc). so where do you see the upliftment of income distribution going to happen. In gujarat, the CM provide assurance to the private investors, about their return on their investment in the state. In the opposite, we have all our minister, officials spending time in the state, fighting for their percentage, against any government projects.    

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