Justice for Richard Loitam: Protest at Chennai, India


Photo Courtesy: Premjit Ningthouja

Chennai, 6thMay 2012: Over 300 people from different walks of life and many organizations today came out to protest at Besant Nagar, Chennai, against the brutal murder of Richard Loitam. The protestors together demanded that it is high time the Karnataka Government bring out the culprits and justice be brought to the grieving family as well as to the society. It has also called upon the Karnataka government to take action against the Acharya NRV school of Architecture management for their negligence, false accusation and the cover-up in the death of Richard Loitam.

The gathering stood in silence and prayed for two minutes for the departed soul. Slogans were shouted, banners and placards were held by the participants. Click to read more


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