Kohima gets 1.5 million liter of water per day against its requirement of 10 million liter in lean season


KOHIMA, June 28 (NEPS): Although the citizens of the State capital, Kohima must have heaved a sigh of relief from the scourge of the water scarcity due to the arrival of monsoon, the capital normally used to get only 1.5 million liter of water per day during lean period against the requirement of 10 million liter of water per day. It is simply unimaginable that such huge deficit of potable water has been prevalent in the capital during the learn season.
Admitting of this huge deficit of potable water in the state capital, Director of WSSO, PHED, Er Kevisekho Kruse, said in spite of the prevailing precarious situation of water scarcity in the capital, their department had been trying their best to fill up this huge shortfall of water supply in the capital by tapping from various available sources in and around Kohima.

The WSSO Director said the department had taken up projects to tap water from the Zaru River, which is one of the tributaries of the Dzuu River, some 25 kms away from the capital. “Pipelines have already been laid and once it is completed, we will get at least 3.8 million liter of water per day during the lean period,” he said. “So it comes half of the requirement of potable water in the capital.”

He further expressed the hope that if the fund was timely provided; the commissioning of this project would come in 2013.


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