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Zero tolerance of all violence against children a must: MACR

IMPHAL, June 28 : The 5th Children’s Cultural Meet 2014 on the theme ‘Zero Tolerance on all forms of Violence against Children, come and act together’ was held at the Tribal Research Institute Auditorium, Chingmeirong, Imphal West, organised by Manipur Alliance for Child Rights (MACR).

Dr. Thokchom Meinya, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, attended as the chief guest, Mairembam Prithviraj Singh, Parliamentary Secretary, Youth Affairs and Sports and Tourism as the president, Ashim Ghosh, associate general manager, development support, CRY- child rights and YOU, Kolkata as the guest of honour.

Keisham Pradeep, Convenor, MACR said that envisaging the society, being represented by key stake holders and individual citizenries, still largely remains complacent and fairly tolerable with the level of ever growing up violent incidents, making countless number of children the innocent victims. He asserted that the same trend will go up unabated, unless the people wipe away the deep rooted attitude of indifferent and escapism from the people’s heart and head as well. He further continued that realising the crucial need at the moment is nothing but revitalise and re-sharpen up the social institutions to fight for child rights.

He said that the main objectives of the children’s meet 2014, is to encourage participation by the children from different communities of the state. The daylong joyful mega cultural meet is not only to provide the young children a space to showcase their hidden talents with full of creativity, but also to bring a significant bonding that help to realise an eternal communal harmony and peaceful co-existence of different indigenous peoples cutting across all sections.

Dr Meinya said that torturing of children and child labour should not be tolerated and should be eradicated because children are the foundation of a good nation. He further said that people hardly give importance to the Anganwadi, which is a wrong idea. He further said that Anganwadi should be equally given importance and appealed the teachers, staffs and members to keep continuing the good work as a sacrifice for the children. He also said that the Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) project is important for the pregnancy mother and the child so the concern Departments should fulfil the objectives by providing the facilities on time.



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