IMPHAL, Dec 14: In an unprecedented and historical move the People of the Ringui (Tongou) village formally resolved to allow the women of the village to be elected as members in the traditional village Court in the village Assembly held on yesterday, a report said.
The village also resolved that the Church should not discriminate women by denying them of their right to hold high offices of the Church simply because of their gender. It was resolved that the church should henceforth open up the position of Deconness and pastorship to women, the report added.
It further said, a motion to abolish the tradition of not allowing women folks in the court of the Naga village was moved by the president and general secretary of the Ringui Shanao Long (Ringui Women`™s League), which then was carried forward by the chief of the village Atem A Shimray and the Speaker of the House, Abel Ahum.
In his explanation, the headman informed the villagers that such legislation was not only necessary but an obligation for all the men folks, if the village and the people at large are to see progress, the report said.
Emphasising that the participation of women in the decision making of the society is vital to the overall development of the society the Speaker urged the Assembly to look beyond the present and not be restrained by traditions. He reminded the villagers that the role of women in the Tangkhul Society was much more than what has been practised now, it said.
It may be reminded that the Apex Tangkhul Women`™s League `“ the Tangkhul Shanao Long has recently raised the issue of women`™s representative in the Tangkhul Naga Long. The decision of the Ringui Village Assembly has paved the way for other villages to follow suit and expedite the process of reformation within the traditional tribal institution, it added.
It may be recalled, the Nagaland Assembly had recently expressed its inability to implement the women reservation Act in Nagaland due to opposition from the village councils.