JCILPS appeals to people to continue movement

General strike supporters diverting commuters to take another route at Keishamthong Bridge.
General strike supporters diverting commuters to take another route at Keishamthong Bridge.

IMPHAL, July 28: The State government has failed to take any visible step to fulfill the resolutions taken during the July 23 public consultation on the ILPS issue at the Iboyaima Shumang Leela Shanglen, claimed the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System today.

A statement of the committee said the consultation was organised by the committee after the government failed to show any political will to prepare a bill in the interest of the indigenous people of the State even after many agitators have been injured and a student killed during the ongoing movement.

It said the resolutions arrived at during the consultation and which were made public were the conditions set by the public for the JCILPS to hold any talk with the government regarding the present impasse.

The government has however continued to ignore the call of the public and not taken up any visible steps towards fulfilling the resolutions, it said.

It continued that although the government constituted bill drafting committee had announced that it will bring out the final draft of the new bill on the third day, special secretary Home government of Manipur has issued an appeal seeking suggestions from scholars, legal luminaries, Constitutional experts to ensure the Inner Line Permit or else an equivalent Bill is introduced in the State at the soonest and to be able to come up with a draft of the Bill which includes all the five points raised by the JCILPS.

This shows the complete disregard of the government towards the public demand and its use of delaying tactics, the statement said.

It further said the people cannot allow the present movement to weaken.

It also appealed to the people to continue with their agitations without any let-up and organise sit in protests, rallies and form human chains.

At the same time, supporters and agitators should not block or hinder movement of those related to religious rituals, religion, medicine including doctors and nurses, essential services like the fire service, media, the JCILPS appealed.

It also appealed to its supporters and agitators not to use any communal tone which could hurt the sentiments of the different communities residing together in the State.


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