Killer cop absolves other policemen from Sanjit killing


IMPHAL, January 25: Herojit told media that there was no involvement of other police personnel in the killing of Chungkham Sanjit. “I have no enmity with Sanjit, I just followed the order of my superior officer Sir Jhalajit and shot Sanjit with my 9mm pistol. The personnel who were suspended for supposed involvement with the incident do not deserve to be suspended,” he said.

He added that he and the other suspended policemen have been living a wretched life. “I did not confess my action in the CBI inquiry and for this many of my innocent friends are still suffering. I want to absolve them also,” he said.

The CBI also wanted to know who gave him the orders, but this too he did not reveal so far. Herojit further said he did not confess to the CBI, as he did not trust them fully at the time.

“Now, I have made up my mind to confess to the media. I had bided my time for things to improve. But, my condition has only deteriorated along with my friends as we have to face the legal battle by ourselves and from our own expenses. I worked as a good soldier and obeyed the commands of superior officers. Now, I have been left to fend for myself and the police have also begun harassing me,” he said.

“I am also afraid that there are plans to do away with me also. My house has been raided by police on December 8, 2015. I was accused of having links with underground elements and extortion. I had been kept in the police lock-up too,” he said.

The last straw was when they transferred me to Khabeisoi 7 Manipur Rifles camp to be attached to the 8 IRB, Herojit said.

The Khabeisoi station is the camp of former rebels and those presently in suspension of operations. “If I go there for duty, then I can disappear without a trace anytime. So, I have been refusing to join duty there,” he said.

It may be mentioned that along with Herojit, nine police personnel had been suspended following the CBI chargesheet.

Six were suspended first without warning. But in his case he was summoned by the superiors and told not to worry for the suspension is only a temporary formality, and that they would do the rest to get him cleared at the soonest.


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