Militants harassed my family, so I joined police to avenge: Herojit


IMPHAL, January 25: “I wanted to join the police as I wanted to get even with militants,” Herojit who claims he had killed Sanjit in fake encounter.

They made life hell for us. We even had to pay them by selling off our farmlands, he said.

“My father was a government employee, as we lived far from Imphal there were hardly any public transport. He had therefore bought a Hero Honda motorcycle for my elder brothers once. We never even managed to ride it as it was always away with the underground people,” he recalled.

He said that his family was used to being slapped with demand notes ranging to Rs 20/30 lakhs and every time we had to pay them some negotiated amounts. “We even sold off our agricultural land just to pay them”.

“One day, I could no longer control myself. I must be about 14 years at the time and I confronted them that I could also join an outfit and treat them as they are treating us” he said.

“The extremists then said that if I am able to join their party, they would not take a paisa from us, then I said that I would join them and went till the gate. My parents came running and apologized to them that I was just being naïve and asked them to leave me back. They did so, but after beating me up.” Herojit said.

He said that, he later resolved to join the police force and get even with militants. “My parents and relatives tried to dissuade me from joining the police. But, I was adamant and joined the recruitment.”


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