Coach Ibomcha refutes allegations, says showroom owner hiding the truth


IMPHAL, April 27: Boxing coach Leisangthem Ibomcha Singh has clarified that the car Punto Evo he had reportedly vandalised on April 26 inside the workshop of Roshika Auto World is his own car and not the workshop’s.

Reacting to a report about the incident, he said he had never pointed a gun at the proprietor of the workshop.

Making his clarification on the incident before media persons at the Manipur Press Club today, Ibomcha said the allegations against him are baseless and have been dodging the truth.

He further warned that he will file a complaint against the proprietor N Ronel Singh before the Consumer Court for wrongly charging and harassing a customer and seek cancellation of his license for opening the FIAT workshop and showroom.

Ibomcha said Ronel will be given a chance to apologise to him before he makes his complaint before the Consumer Court.

Further in his clarification, he said when the incident occurred he had his licenced gun in his person and when he started hitting the vehicle, the gun was about to fall due to his movement.

He said he had to put the gun inside his shirt during which for a brief moment it was in his hand.

Ibomcha claimed he never pointed the gun towards the proprietor, as he has been charged.

He said he had bought his car on installment on October 19, 2015, and unfortunately, the car met with an accident on November 29 the same year.

The next day, he said he along with his son took the car for repairing at the workshop and on enquiry found that the car was not insured, although he had completed the due process of applying for an insurance policy at the showroom, he said.

Instead of taking any responsibility for his negligence, the proprietor demanded money for repairing the car, which angered him, he said.

Somehow he controlled himself and agreed to have the car repaired at his own cost, and came home after leaving the car, he said.

Ibomcha said later a staff of the showroom came to their residence and took Rs 3 lakhs as advance for repairing the car.

A few days later, when his son went to check on the vehicle, the proprietor had told him that the repairing will be completed before Yaoshang, Ibomcha said.

He continued when his son went to the workshop before Yaoshang this year, the proprietor asked him to come before Cheiraoba.

However, when his son went to check again on April 25, he found that the car was still parked the same way as it was before without any repairing done, he said.

When he learnt of this, he had gone to check for himself on April 26 and found the car covered in dust and cobwebs, which angered him, Ibomcha said.

Even then, he asked the proprietor why he was taking so long to repair his car at which the proprietor insulted him, following which he picked up a brick lying nearby and saying that it was his own car he was damaging, hit the car with the brick, Ibomcha said.

He said it is unfortunate that the names of Mary Kom, Dingku and Suranjoy were mentioned in the news report although there was no connection.


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