AMSU drive against illegal price hike of essential commodities

amsu drive at thangal bazar
AMSU found mouldy and expired consumables to be sold in shops in Thangal bazar area during the drive.

Imphal, Nov 17: All Manipur Students Union (AMSU) conducted a drive on the shops mainly in Thangal Bazar area today. The drive was against selling of consumable goods on inflated price, taking advantage of the economic blockade imposed by  United Naga Council(UNC) on National Highway 1 since 1st  November.  The economic blockade has caused scarcity of essential commodities  in most part of Manipur . The recent demonetisation policy of the BJP led Narendra Modi government has also contributed to the taking advantage by the shopkeepers in exploiting the sales of essential commodities in the state on the pretext of unavailability of smaller denominations.

amsu drive in thangal bazar
AMSU drive against illegal price hike in Thangal Bazar area.

A large portion of consumables which were unfit for consumption, mouldy , expired packaged items  were also found by AMSU during the raids. They  were  destroyed by putting them into flames.

15145035_1135343253200680_1677790006_oAMSU also warned the shopkeepers against  selling essential commodities at whatever price they like , taking advantage of the current situation and also advised against hoarding of goods by keeping the shops closed.


  1. If the AMSU were any educated people, they shouldn’t have burnt things like that. Things should be segregated either as compostable or recyclable. Anyway, my experience with AMSU during my DM College days was that they are politically motivated thugs who have no respect for education and law.

    I really pity for the situation in Manipur. We have no good leader. And no good leader will succeed in the current environment.


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