No place for goondaism : CAFPD Minister Karam Shyam refutes allegations


IMPHAL, Mar 26 : Consumer Affairs and Food Public Distribution Minister Karam Shyam has said that goondaism and injustice which existed in Langthabal Kendra will never prevail in the highly educated and modern society of the 21st century.
Speaking to media persons at Lilong Chajing Eco Park, he said the allegations made by Lilong Nagar Panchayat vice chairperson, Arambam Omila in some daily newspapers that the Minister, aside from detaining a councillor of the Panchayat, used force and power to subdue the people are totally false and baseless.
Denying any wrongdoings, Karam Shyam said that the aforementioned councillor had arrived at the Minister’s residence according to her own free will and offered support of LJP councillors.
He said, “Previous leaders of the Kendra might have used power to intimidate their own people but there is no place for goondaism in the 21st century. It will not succeed in the modern society where people are educated and highly aware”.
Karam Shyam further urged those concerned to stop creating a ruckus at Kakwa Keithel adding that the miscreants should know their actions are against the people.
He said, “Yesterday, Arambam Ormila along with a police team arrived at Rameshwar’s house to search for Lilong Nagar Panchayat’s Naran Konjin councillor Thounaojam Anil. I rushed to the scene after the family members informed me by phone”.
Shyam pointed out that he advised the police team led by Wangoi police SDPO to formally procure a search warrant if they wanted to search the house and added that the group of people led by Ormila defiantly barged into the house and began searching every nook and corner.
“They did not even find the person they were searching for and a scuffle broke out between the enraged family members and Ormila’s people. I did not produce any firearm nor did any of my men raise a hand against them, as she accused”, he added.
He said that councillor Anil came to his residence and requested appointment to the post of  chairperson.
“I did not detain or abduct him. BJP and LJP collaborated in forming the new State Government and LJP is also a part of the BJP led Central Government. Councillor Anil approached LJP on his own free will to appoint a new chairperson”, he said.
Councillor Anil said, “ Minister Shyam did not abduct or kidnapped me in any way. I myself decided to approach him due to the rotten and corrupt nature of the present chairperson and the vice chairperson of the Panchayat and the failed administration of the Panchayat itself”.
Speaking at the meet, Lilong Nagar Panchayat Imphal West 2 councillor Salam Sanatomba said that Ormila should be held responsible for the fiasco and added that she was brewing trouble to hide the fact that she did not keep her promise to resign from her post if Karm Shyam won the election, which she had publicly announced.

Source: The Sangai Express


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