Woman found dead with throat slit


A married woman was found dead today with her throat slit in her bed at around 3.30pm at her residence at Chingmeirong Kabui Khul, near Pukhri Achouba which is under the Lamphel Police jurisdiction.

The deceased was identified as Lunglailiu Rongmei, 18 wife of Inoucha (Zeenith) of Chingmeirong Kabui Khul. They have been married for nearly one year.

According to the police statement, as the deceased was found dead in a suspicious manner, they had collected the body immediately to conduct post mortem and other procedures by forensic and finger print experts along with an executive magistrate.

Meanwhile the husband, mother-in-law and sister-in-law of the deceased have been arrested.

According to the statement of the villagers, the deceased was planned and killed by her husband and mother-in-law.

An angry mob of villagers tried to destroy and torched their house but the police force came in time and controlled the situation.

Source: Imphal Free Press


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