Dengue and JE cases increases in CCpur


CCpur, July 17 2017: Cases of Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis (JE), both mosquito borne diseases, continue to surge in Churachandpur as more samples tested positive and the affected area expanded .

The district continues to dominate the list as confirmed cases of Dengue as of today touched 27 while JE cases are pegged at 17.Most of the villages where the virus has been detected are from the interior areas but the latest result shows that it has now appeared in the town area as well with the blood samples of at least four inmates of a theological seminary in Sielmat returning positive for Dengue and 2 cases of JE were found at New Lamka .

Santing village now has 7 cases of Dengue and 5 JE cases while Hengkom has 6 Dengue and 5 JE cases .

V Sinai and Sielmat have 5 and 4 cases of Dengue but no JE while New Pangsang and New Lamka have 2 JE cases each with no Dengue case.

Source: The Sangai Express


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