66th Death Anniversary of Lamyanba Hijam Irabot


66th Death Anniversary of Lamyanba Hijam Irabot and 2nd State Level March Past Competition organised by Manipur Proletariat Peoples Democratic Union, Socialist Students Union of Manipur Struggle Committee Manipur at Thau Ground, Thangmeiband, Imphal on September 26, 2017.

Cultural items were also presented during the event.

Altogether 12 Schools, 7 in the senior category and 5 in the junior category both boys and girls took part in the march past competition.

Royal Education Centre (Girls), Paradise English School (Boys), Oinam Boys High School (Boys) and Standard Robert Higher Secondary School (Girls) took the first, second and third position in the Junior category and 65 Girls NCC, Royal Education Centre (Boys) and Paradise English School (Girls) took the first, second and third position in the senior category of the march past competition.

Photos by: Laishram Ranbir


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