Districts creation issue : UNC serves 48 hrs deadline to Imphal, Delhi


Senapati, September 29 2017: The United Naga Council (UNC) has demanded the Government of Manipur and the Government of India to make their respective “clear-cut” positions on the 7 new district creation issue/tripartite talks within 48 hours.

According to the Naga body, it and the Naga people should not be held responsible for any eventuality in the event of the failure from the Government sides to pay heed to its demand.This decision was taken in today’s presidential council meeting of UNC, according to the Naga body .

The decision to serve the deadline of 48 hours was taken during a ‘presidential council meeting’ held at its office at Senapati where UNC executives and Naga frontal organizations participated.

The Naga body also said that today’s meeting “seriously viewed the dilly-dallying tactics of the Government of India and the Government of Manipur on the tripartite talks/the 7 new district creation issue.”

According to UNC, on September 15 it had asked the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), regarding the latter’s position on the next tripartite talks “but till date nothing has come forth from the MHA.” UNC said that the Government of Manipur and the Central Government should not take the Nagas for granted .

“We will wait for the next 48 hours and in case the MHA and the Government of Manipur do not respond or do not give satisfactory response to our demand, then we have no other option but to take up our own course of action,” asserted the Naga body .

In today’s meeting, UNC executives and Naga frontal organizations also discussed their preparedness on the course of action to be taken up in the event of the failure from the MHA and the Manipur to respond or do not give “satisfactory response to our demand,” disclosed the Naga body .

It can be noted here that, tripartite talks on district creation issue was held at Senapati on August 11 where UNC, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and the Government of Manipur representatives had participated.

The three parties had agreed upon to hold “next round of talks” in the month of September .

The August 11 talks were brought up to the ‘political level’ with the participation of three Cabinet Ministers of Manipur, which included Agriculture & Veterinary Minister V Hangkhanlian, Tribal Affairs & Hills Minister N Kayisii and Education & Labour and Employment Minister Th Radheshyam .

Apart from the three Cabinet Ministers, Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Dr .J.Suresh Babu and Commissioner (Works & IPR) K.Radhakumar Singh had also participated in the talks.

A large number of UNC team had participated in the August 11 talks chaired by Satyendra Garg, the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India.

Source: The Sangai Express


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