State Congress protest to reveal Frame Work Agreement ‘Seperate administration without distorting Territorial boundary will not be accepted’


Imphal, November 12 2017: With talks running around about settling the issue of the NSCN-IM under the Frame Work Agreement, Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee today showed apprehension about the hidden agenda of the Center to the fate of Manipur.

A sit-in-protest demanding revelation of the Framework Agreement was staged today Khuyathong Andolan Keithel near Khuyathong Pukhri Achouba in Imphal West.

The protest was organised by Thangmeiband Block Congress Committee.

Opposition leader Okram Ibobi Singh today give slashing criticism to the BJP led government both at Center and State over their failure to reveal the contents of the Frame Work Agreement signed between the NSCN-IM and Government of India.

Speaking to reporters Okram Ibobi Singh, who was the Chief Minister of the state for 3 consecutive term, said that the deal between the government of India and the NSCN-IM under the Frame Work agreement has never been place in the parliament.

He said it is happening in a secrete way between the Prime Minister and the NSCN-IM without letting any of the stakeholders or the parliamentarian known which means that something against the wishes of the people of the state is likely to happen.

On the other hand Okram Ibobi Singh said that keeping intact the territorial boundary of the state but granting a separate administration for the so call Nagas, as claimed by the NSCN-IM inside the territory of Manipur is nothing but framing a roadway to segregate the state.

This kind of solution will not be accepted by the people of the state.

The Sit in Protest was also attended by various workers of the MPCC including CLP Leaders JoyKishan Singh , MLA Thangmeiband AC , AK Mirabai Devi , MLA Patsoi AC , Th Lokeswar Singh , MLA Khundrakpam AC , Okram Henry Singh , MLA Wangkhei AC , K Meghachandra Singh , MLA Wangkhem AC , Debabrata Singh , Gen Secy MPCC and Block Congress leaders .

Mention may be made that, even the governor of Nagaland PB Archarya had stated that the final settlement of the FA will be completed in one or two months.

There are also rumours spreading around that the Government of India might solve the issue of the NSCN-IM before Christmas as Nagaland Election is scheduled in March next year.

Source: Imphal Times


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