Symbolic resting place for souls of nine Ccpur martyrs built

People offering floral wreaths at the symbolic coffins of the Ccpur martyrs.
People offering floral wreaths at the symbolic coffins of the Ccpur martyrs.

LAMKA, Sept 21:: In honour of the nine `Tribal Martyrs` who laid down their lives for the cause of the tribals of Manipur, the residents of Hiantam Lamka today built a symbolic resting place for the departed souls at the heart of their locality at Lamka Community Hall where they built a traditional house in which nine symbolic coffins, and life-size photos of the hero were place.

The place is styled as `Salphate Zahna Pumbuk` `“ a place for paying homage to the heroes.

United we stand, announced the JAC chief convenor Mangchinkhup Hauzel while inaugurating the structure. The place was constructed by the committee set up for the task and the leader of the committee Siamchinkhup said this was built with contributions.

He further urged everyone interested to pay their homage at the place to the nine tribal martyrs.

In another development, after a peaceful protest in front of the DC`s residence late afternoon, womenfolk attacked the DC`™s vehicle as he came out and allegedly tried to escape.

The private belongings of the DC and his family in the vehicles were snatched and scattered on the road but the DC was unharmed. He stepped out and dared the mob to killed him if they so wished.

Later in the afternoon the information and publicity of the JAC announced the itinerary of a Central team scheduled to visit Churachandpur.

The JAC said it will organise a reception at 9 am for the visiting team at Kangvai and urged chiefs as well as the general public take out a procession by vehicles from 9:40 am.

It said the central team will address the general public at Lamka public ground, and it will submit a memorandum.

At 12:00 noon, the team will go to the Hospital Morgue followed by interactions with the victims`™ families.

The team will then have a closed door meeting with the JAC at the KKL. All tribe innpis and councils will then attend a press conference at 1:00pm at the JAC`s Information centre.


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